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November 16, 2018

Julia is out of surgery and in the PICU for recovery. Reed was with her all day; I was at my dad's service. I was so stressed out today that I specifically asked Reed to NOT give me details, so I don't know everything.

What I know is Julia went into surgery around 8am, and got out around 7pm, so an 11 hour surgery, which is about what they were estimating. They went in through the mouth to perform everything. Dr. Storm said they are "pleased with how the surgery went, and it's best case scenario going into the next step". So that is about as good as news as we can get right now!!

She will be kept "mostly sedated" all weekend - just awake enough for neurological checks every hour. But they are keeping her mostly under, with a breathing tube, as she will go right back into her neck-fusing surgery on Monday morning.

I believe she is currently in her halo neck brace. Reed knows I post a photo with all these updates, but he said it's probably better if he doesn't send one tonight 😞 Reed told me the nurse prepped him ahead of time for how she will look, as far as swelling and bruising, and we agreed it's best if I didn't go down. I reacted *very poorly* to my dad's appearance immediately post-brain surgery, and I just can't handle it with Julia right now (since she will remain under anesthesia and daddy will be in the room, of course! I'd tough if out if I had to.)

So that's what I know. I am SO RELIEVED to know the information that I do know - that the surgery went as well as it could have. She will remain in the PICU and I will go see my princess and give everyone a better update tomorrow with details from the doctor. I will post a picture as soon as it's appropriate.

(I will add a picture of her donation sign from dad’s service. The service was very nice.)

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Meet Julia Adams
I'm 3 years old and I have a rare and serious form of childhood bone cancer. I'm doing my best to beat it, but my family needs your help! 
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