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January 14, 2019

A peaceful day for Julia, which we will happily take, considering the situation. She has slept all day, only opening her eye once for a brief second. Much less alert than yesterday. As far as we can tell, she remains comfortable; her meds are unchanged. Her vitals are still slowly trending in the same direction, but she continues to fight.

I appreciate all the messages and I don't mind the questions. Her meds are not keeping her sedated or affecting her breathing. Ventilator assistance was not changing her vitals. The doctor explained this is due to the tumor, in that she doesn't have a breathing problem, she has a neurological pathway problem. So unfortunately very little can be done to combat that ever-rising ET stat =(

She's now exceeded doctor's expectations by two days. We're doing what we can, but we need something to turn around for her soon. We'd love to see her peek her eye open more than once tomorrow.

Until then, she's sleeping soundly under a beautiful blanket sent to us by one of her new Facebook friends. Thank you all for continuing to check in on her, and keeping her as part of your daily prayers. I read a ton of your thoughtful comments to her yesterday, and I will do so again tomorrow.

Hug your babies.

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Meet Julia Adams
I'm 3 years old and I have a rare and serious form of childhood bone cancer. I'm doing my best to beat it, but my family needs your help! 
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