(Sorry for the day-late update to the website! I posted to Facebook from my phone and forgot to do this additional part.)
Short update since I’m not by a computer. Julia has had a good day 🙂 She’s thrown up several times but it hasn’t seemed to bother her. She just plays with her iPad right through it... toddlers.
She was very happy to see Reed when he got back. Lots of kisses. Lots of “dadadadadada” while pointing to the bed. Right now (8:55) she’s excitedly pointing at the TV and trying to get everyone’s attention. Peppa comes on at 9:00 and she wants to make sure no one misses it! If it’s on and everyone in the room (parents and nurses!) aren’t watching, she will point at them, do the O face, then point at the TV. Like... over and over until you give in. 9:00 Peppa is a whole-room affair.
I did not go down today because I have a cough. It’s not bad but it’s enough that I need a day or two to see where it goes. Open to immune-boosting suggestions in comments. I keep hearing elderberry.
Her MRI is still on for tomorrow. They stop her feeds at midnight since it’s performed under general anesthesia. Ugh. I just want it to stay the same. I won’t even get my hopes up for shrinkage. Just please no growth.
. . . ********** ~~ Julia Adams ~~ *********** ************ Official Links ************* ************************************ Julia's official pages: Website: juliaadamscancerfund.org Facebook: Julia's Fight Against Rare Cancer - Fund GoFundMe: gofundme.com/juliasfightagainstcancer
Julia's official fundraisers: T-shirts: https://bit.ly/2MQc0lF | https://tinyurl.com/y55lh988 Children's Book: https://amzn.to/2CTTN2S Jewelry: https://etsy.me/2E1mR8i Tumbler: https://tinyurl.com/yy6oamph Car Magnet: https://tinyurl.com/y4nxr3lr
Where I buy Julia's CBD Oil (CBD BioCare 3500mg bottle): www.naturallywellforlife.com || Coupon code: danaboyd
Chordoma Foundation: www.chordoma.org If you're new and want to know what's going on, my first post about Julia was on October 31st. You can find them all on my Facebook page or Julia's website <3